Monday, July 20, 2015

Life is still going along here in the Portugal Porto Mission...

Yep... life is still going. I had a birthday this week.... that was fun. It was a crazy day. We had started our personal study when we got a phone call from Elder Andrade, an assistent to the Presidente. He called to tell us that Presidente Amorim's plane would be landing in a few hours and that they wanted us to be at the airport to greet Presidente e Sister Amorim. So we hopped in the metro and we went up to the Mission Office in Porto and then from there we rode in the car of the Sisters from Gaia 2 to the airport up by Matosinhos. It was fun. We got to the airport and we had to wait for an hour because the flight was delayed, but once they got there we all got to meet Presidente and Sister Amorim. Elder Moreira and Presidente Cruz were there as well. Sister Amorim is just the sweetest person you could ever meet. Presidente Amorim is really cool and I love him.... but he scares the living daylights out of me. He is a HARD worker and his goal is to make each one of us reach our full potential as missionaries. For example, I had an interview with him on Saturday and when he found out that I still have a little bit of fear of talking to people he just laughed a little bit and then challenged to personally contact 30 people every day.... to start. Then, he's going to increase the number. It is exhausting trying to reach that goal every day, but Presidente Amorim promised me that if I would do it that Heavenly Father would make miracles happen in the mission and in my life... and I definitely need miracles. I really like the Amorim's though. He sent us an email last week and one of the attachements was about his family. He's got it in English so that we could send it to our families so I'll send that to Mom and Dad.

Then, for lunch we were invited to Presidente Cruz's house. We had lunch with Ana Cruz and another member Tatiana. I thought it was just a lunch, but then they brought out cake and started singing to me. I'm glad you liked the video Mom. Ana Cruz will be glad you liked it. That night we went to Xeca and Avelino's and Xeca had made a really cool fruit thing for my birthday. The Baptist family we go to every week also did a little thing for me on Saturday. Marcos pulls out his guitar every week so this week he played "Happy Birthday" on the guitar for me. It was fun. It was a pretty good birthday. I really liked my birthday. Friday we had a surprise zone conference with the Porto Zone and the Porto Norte Zone in Porto with Presidente Amorim. He is an amazing Presidente. I have no doubts that Heavenly Father called him to build on the work that Presidente Fluckiger did and help the church to grow here in Portugal. Friday night we showed the hour long film about the Restoration of the church at the chapel and our investigator Gabrial was there. It was really good. Gabriel was really surprised about all the things that happened and the Spirit was so strong. Every one who was there felt the Spirit. It was a really good activity. On Saturday we had interviews with Presidente Amorim in Porto. Like I said, he is really intimidating, but you can just feel the love he has for each of his missionaries. It's kind of weird. He loves us a ton, and yet he scares me a little bit. After he challenged me to do the daily contacts I thought I was going to die.... I still am not 100% comfortable talking to people, but I think the idea is to spread the gospel and get rid of my fear of talking to people. Smart man. 

Today for p-day we went down to the river because there are all these little stands and vendors selling all these cool things. It was a lot of fun. There are so many holidays for so many Catholic saints right now. In our area there is a festival for São Tiago and the best part about it is the there are churro stands all over our area.... we are pretty happy kids. :) Down by the river there is a festival for São Marinha so there are little markets where we can go buy really cool traditional and touristy things. We had a pretty fun day... and I taught Sister Parksinson how to bargain with African ladies. She bought herself and pretty nifty (yeah... that's the word we'll use) African dress today. I'll have to send you a picture of it next week. We have transfers this week so I don't actually know if I'm staying in Gaia or not. I'm probably not staying with Sister Parkinson though. Sad day, but it will all work out for the best. 

Kristin sent me an email telling me that she got her mission call to the Argentina Rosario Mission. I cried... a lot... I fully expect a video of Benjamin's mission call opening. A picture will not suffice. :) 

I love you all! Keep up the good work and keep diong the good things you should do every day! The little things make the biggest difference!


Little Sister Smith

P.S. The pictures are of the fruit thingy that Xeca made for my birthday and then lunch today... we went to the best little restaurant in the world to eat Francesinhas (Francesinhas are very Portuguese.... very). The restaurant is called "Bread and Butter" and it's the cutest little place and they place crooners music all day long.... if I were an unconsecrated missionary I would go there and eat lunch and listen to the music... but I don't do that... except maybe today.


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